I am a little behind. I'm going to try and catch up.
Day 39: Decorating Valentine's and her bed and herself.

Day 40: Funny Face, but the only picture I took this day.

Day 41: Visiting Daddy at work.

Day 42: Izze was doing "crafts" with these animal rights pamphlets. She was so mad when we wanted to put them away. She said, "don't take my crafts, away!"

43: Valentine's Day Party

44: Jeremy get's a promotion. :D That's his name on the door.

45: Valentine's Day cupcakes, Izze and I decorated them for our friends and families and delivered them door to door at night.

46: Two of the cutest kids I know.

47: A Part of Your World. Izze's new Ariel doll, we can't go many places without this doll.

48: Stack of clean blankets. Izze was so sick for nearly a month, that's why I'm so far behind on this post. I've had to wash these blankets and keep a rotation of them for her to snuggle up with... and then throw up on.

49: This is the day my brother, Jordan resisted a grand jury and walked away. This was a good day. We were all so prepared for him to be in prison. He walked away. We stopped and got some chocolate and he got vegan hot chocolate before we went there.

50: Izze's pancakes. We're regulars at Vertical Diner... they love Izze and this time they drew a bear in her pancakes.

51: Izze thinks it is so funny to climb in my dad's puppy's crate and pretend to be a puppy.

52: We took a quick overnight trip to Wendover to celebrate Jordan's freedom.

53: Picking up Izze from her grandma and grandpa's house. Balancing on Sydney's new stool.

54: Izze lined up her Yo Gabba Gabba figurines, she got Foofa for pooping on the potty and she got Brobee and Plex for Valentine's day.

55: Izze's first day of preschool. Totally a darling Punk of her first day.

56: Izze's pig puppet from her first day at preschool. So cute. She keeps telling me about the three pigs, but the wolf isn't really a bad guy to her, he just wants to tickle the pigs.

Whew. I'm caught up! HOORAY!